Ed & Marcella Noonan,
Frances & Doug Hanna
It was a cold and snowy night in January, 1947, when Rose and Bill Herdman and brothers Leland and Denzil Mahan visited Gladys and Roy Kilpatrick at their home.
That night, it was suggested the two districts in the area – Bolingbroke and Althorpe – unite and form a club with a hall for meetings and entertainment.
Three days later, they met again along with Donald Norris, and started making plans. They determined the size of building they’d need (30′ x 40′), estimated the cost of materials, and chose the temporary name of Sherbrooke Community Club. A membership fee of $1 was collected from each member.
They wondered how they could introduce the idea of a community hall, and build a treasury fund for the construction. Host euchre parties, that’s how! Each adult player would pay 25 cents, children 10 cents.
The first euchre was held on January 24th with 12 tables, in a vacant building in Bolingbroke.
The refreshments served that evening comprised of 8 loaves of sandwiches, 3 cakes, and 3 dozen cookies.
Ladie’s 1st prize (donated by Rose Herdman): Stationery. Men’s 1st prize (donated by Gladys Kilpatrick): Wool socks.
The net profit: $12.59 for the building fund!
A Fourth of July Celebration
In June, the Brooke platform (consisting of 6 – 12′ x 12′ sections) was purchased by tender for $41, and assembled on Bill Herdman’s property.
Many members helped to repair and ready the platform for the inaugural dance.
Dance bills were printed by the Westport Mirror and distributed throughout the area.
Alfred Blair was hired (for $5) to police the dance.
Ida and Aubrey were asked to locate a supplier of ice cream.
And the Maberly Agricultural Hall was reserved in case it rained.
On July 4, 1947, feet flew on the new Bolingbroke platform to music provided by the Hayshakers Orchestra.
By all reports, a good time was had by all.
There were now 29 members, and the building fund was $53.09 richer.

Early Milestones
June, 1949: The name was changed to the Althorpe Bolingbroke Community Club, also known as the ABC Club.
July, 1949: A profitable fundraising dance featuring Don Messer and his Islanders was held at the Perth Arena.
June, 1952: Land was acquired for the new hall from Orville Mahan (brother of Leland and Denzil) for $15. The deed was registered.
Finally, in December, 1953, the hall was completed. A Christmas party on December 23 was the first function held in the new hall.
June, 1963: An addition, a kitchen with cupboards and sink, was built onto the hall.
In 1973, the ABC Club applied for a government grant under the New Horizons Programme for Senior Citizens to help build another addition for an oil furnace and indoor plumbing, and drill a well.
May, 1977: Land for a parking lot was purchased from Florence Mahan.
July, 1978: The sign over the door was painted by local artist, Larry Bracegirdle, for $75.
2012: This ABC Hall story by Julie Druker appeared in the Frontenac News.
As the neighbourhoods around it changed over the years, the club was renamed the ABC Association, to reflect all members of the Althorpe Bolingbroke Community, newcomers, seasonal and longtime residents alike. We are most grateful for all the folks who have come forward to help keep the hall humming and our community active. We mean to serve our community as well in the next 50 years as the pioneers in the ABC Club have done for the past 65!
Martin Yates, President – 2012